The Rutgers Institute for Law and Philosophy sponsors Visiting Fellows. The Visiting Fellows program is intended to attract scholars in law and philosophy who can contribute to the life of the Rutgers law and philosophy community. We welcome scholars from any stage of their career who would like to spend a semester or the academic year in residence at the Law School and/or the Department of Philosophy. The Institute can provide office space, a computer and IT support, full access to Rutgers University’s academic resources, and in certain cases a modest research stipend. To apply, please email: with a statement of interest and a CV.


The current Visiting Fellow is Cosim Sayid (Princeton).


Past Visiting Fellows have included Pablo de Lora del Toro (Madrid), Paul Baumgardner (Princeton), Hadassa Noorda (Amsterdam), and Robert Mullins (Queensland), and Kritika Maheshwari (Delft).